Hitting Rock Bottom

One word against a thousand actions.

"Progress is impossible without change, and those who can't change their attitudes. can't progress towards their goals."  #BraverGoals arrianeerafico.com

"When will you understand? I want you on your good days and on your bad. I want you on the days where you can't make yourself get out of bed. I want you on the days where you are dancing around the house in your underwear. I want you on the days where you make me want to rip my hair out and on the days where my cheeks hurt from smiling so much It's you. I want you. Whatever life throws at us I want you. I will always want you." - @rel rules

Some are just madly unbelievable. They deny every little thing fired at them then show you you were right after all. They will never change. You just thought they would. Stop believing those lies. You don't tell someone she's your princess then treat her like nothing. Don't make her feel bad when you know so well that that's what you really are. She didn't change you. She tried to endure every shit you know will make her mad when she asked you not to. Cause she was struggling. And you never listened. You do know inside that you're just wrong in so many levels. You may tell your SO that you're contented with everything that he/she is, but why make things that will make not what he/she is? Love your S.O. enough to do what's best for them. Think. Think about what you do everyday that makes them so furious, when you know that all along they have always been right with every gut feel they had before.

Some relationships just go from happily inlove to fighting most of the time to hating each other to missing each other to ditching. So be with someone who's going to be with you through all those things. And that's how you will know everything's worth it. Boys know how boys are and girls know how other girls are. So might as well believe them when they say there's something wrong and stop. They'll tell you when they feel that there's something off about that boy or girl and we know most of the time their gut is right. Choose your partner. Always. It goes a long way. Love the good and bad things. Compromise. If she does everything just to make you feel secured with her love, please do everything for her as well. Don't add up another thing just to make her more frustrated and stressed. It's not healthy. Just love him/her right. 

No, no one has the right to treat you badly, lie to you, cheat on you. Never let them manipulate you. That's just what they do. Don't mind the lame shit that they do.

"When I say I love you more, I don't mean I love you more than you love me. I mean I love you more than the bad days ahead of us, I love you more than any fight we will ever have. I love you more than distance between us, I love you more than any obstacle that could try and come between us. I love you the most." - Rel. Goals

"People who want to be in your life will bring you life value. They will never bring you stress, arguments, drama, fights, lies, lack of communication, physical abuse, mental abuse and emotional abuse." - @woodtheinspiration

Start over.


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